By Jack Perconte
In my many years of coaching, parents often stated similar concerns when it came to their young players practice and playing habits. The top ones are below with some quick-fix things that will help alleviate their concerns.
1. "He never wants to work at it" - Practice with player without giving instruction - just play with them - after doing this for a period try giving instruction again and see how player reacts.
2. "I just want her to have fun" - Don't grill her after games about her performance - wait till a later time to talk about game details and to give tips for the next time.
3. "He won't listen to me" - Only use a matter of fact voice when giving advice - use excited voice only when he does something good. Never show negative reaction to player's performance.
4. "My daughter has perfect form but never seems to have good game results" A great-looking action is not always fundamentally correct - have a knowledgeable coach check it out for suggestions.
5. "I want them to get a college scholarship"- Don't set such high expectations - scholarships are hard to attain and the expectations put unnecessary pressure on player.
6. "He can do it in practice but never in a game" - Challenge player in practice more
7. "She can't do it because it's "in her head" - Player needs improved fundamentals and understanding of how to perform skill. Confidence will usually follow and a more aggressive player.
8. "He doesn't want it enough" - Give player time, know-how and encouragement - attitude usually changes when success comes.
9. "She won't compete in a game situation" - May be fear of failure - don't pressure - help her understand fundamentals - needs confidence and knowledge can bring confidence so some good fundamental tips will help.
10. "His coach doesn't know anything" - Don't expect volunteer coach to be an expert - volunteer to coach yourself if you feel you are more qualified.
11. "He wants to make high school team"- Players with this goal should play and practice sport for at least 6 months of each year- with minimum of 3 months break from sport - starting at Age 10. Basic physical conditioning training should be done year round.
Finally, parents should learn to judge effort and not results when commenting on their kids play, as well as emphasizing the importance of having fun while playing. Saying things like "I was proud of your hustle out there" and "I hope you had as much fun playing as I did watching you" are priceless phrases for parents to use.
Former major league baseball player, Jack Perconte gives baseball hitting tips and batting practice advice for ballplayers of all ages. His baseball hitting lessons advice can be found at http://www.baseballhittinglessons.com/baseball
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jack_Perconte
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