J Smith says...
"Comparing this to the soft toss machine I used to use, I find this is much better for timing, and helping improve your swing. If you don't have a level swing, and hit the tee arm at the ideal spot, it will wobble instead of swing. Its a great training aid for those looking to improve their swing, without chasing balls. "
Doug says..
"Purchased for my 8 yr. old daughter that is on a traveling softball team..she really likes it...it is very easy to assemble and store and definitely shows you what you are doing wrong if you are not hitting cleanly..the manual also comes with drills to do to make them better batters..very good product that so far appears to have no drawbacks..it beats the heck out of chasing the ball all over the yard!!!"
A.M. says...
"Let me start off by saying that this is the exact same product as the Nedco Bat Action Pro 360. The only difference is that this Derek Jeter version is targeted toward younger players due to the shorten hitting shaft. I purchased this with the intention of both myself and young nephew using it. Well, it works flawless. Built very solid and durable, takes my huge hacks very well."
"My nephew can't stop using the thing. The fact that someone can use it without the need of another person holding a hitting stick is huge. You will know if your not hitting the ball true as the shaft will wobble all over the place. Don't worry folks, thats a good thing as it makes people notice where they are striking the ball. You will actually work up a sweat! No kiddie gimmick here."
"I like and prefer the Derek Jeter version because it fits better indoors due to the shorten shaft. One buyer posted that it had a flawed design but so far so good for us. I only wish I purchased this sooner. The only con I have noticed is the carry bag. Well, it's crap and I defiantly see breaking in the future, in particular the carry handles due to the weight. I'm going to have to make new arrangements in this area."
"The equipment is heavy thats for sure, I'm not complaining about that though as the unit is built well but hauling it around for a long distance will have your shoulder barking. I actually carry it to parks but if you won't or will only do so every so often then I would not worry too much about it. To those that will haul it constantly, I would say it's worth dealing with a possible minor problem due to the positive end result."
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