The College World Series began this past weekend. This time of the year always reminds me of who are the best teachers in baseball. That great fraternity is the coaches of college baseball. While I know that there are many great college coaches, here are some names that I believe stand out among the best baseball teachers in the world.
By Joe Brockhoff
To begin with, John Scolinas, great coach at Cal-Poly Pamona. He had a unique way of teaching using a combination of examples that were both instructional and entertaining. You always knew when he was speaking at the coaches conventions. The hall would be filled.
Another of the best was Jerry Kindall, Arizona's great fundamental baseball coach.
Skip Bertman is certainly on that list. The fact that LSU is in the College World Series again this year is a great testament of his hard work and team development. Paul Mainieri has picked up where Skip left off and continues the winning tradition.
Hill Denson was the skipper for Southern Mississippi for many years. His enthusiasm was a big factor for the success of the Golden Eagles. Coach Corky Palmer brought the team to Omaha this year for what is
USM's first CWS appearance. The bricks were put in place by Hill Denson. And Corky took it to the next level.
While Rick Jones' Tulane University Green Wave just missed the playoffs this year, he achieved a personal milestone surpassing the record that I had set at Tulane as the winningest coach in the history of Tulane Athletics. He is a great coach, organizer, and hard worker. This was recognized by his selection as coach of the U.S. Olympic Baseball Team.
Mike Martin, Florida State's long time coach, a great fundamentalist, teaches the game as good or better than anyone. His teams are always prepared to play. I've heard it said that this year might have been Mike's best coaching year ever. His very young team's accomplishments are due much to his leadership.
And who could ever forget Ron Polk. This great Hall of Fame coach has left a mark that will be hard to top. His Baseball Playbook is the best book on fundamentals that can be found. When we talk of fundamental details, we are talking Ron Polk.
There are many that I am leaving out and I have not even mentioned any of the great Pros. But here is the point. I was able to gain a wealth of information over the years from some of the world's greatest, and I was able to give back as well. I was privileged to be a part of that great fraternity of college baseball coaches and spoke myself at many of the same NCAA conventions, usually on hitting.
Now we are privileged to make this information available to anyone who loves the game of baseball and wants to play or coach at their very best.
Former Tulane Hall of Fame Baseball Coach, Joe Brockhoff, fully explains his baseball hitting drills with the Super 8 Hitting System, completely demonstrated with videos and hitting drills to help you hit with more power and raise your batting average.
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Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting Machine by SKLZ
Welcome to the Hurricane Hitting Machine Blog for Baseball Coaches, Players and Parents. Our daily posts can help you get the most out of your baseball drills and team practices. Our free baseball articles, baseball coaching tips, and baseball drills can help your baseball player or baseball team improve. Our archive has hundreds of articles related to baseball training and baseball practice.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Parents Don't Have to Be a Professional Instructor - Baseball Hitting Advice For Everyone
Parents do not have to be a experts to help baseball hitters. They actually need to know just a few simple suggestions to be of help. Often times, the less things said, the better. I have noted 5 important baseball hitting tips below. This helpful advice should be reinforced in a positive way and is appropriate for players of all ages, even major leaguer's.
By Jack Perconte
1. Good balance is a key for everything in sport, so mention the term balance to the baseball hitter whenever they seem to be off balance or out of control.
2. Whenever possible, perform quality batting tee work, or flip drill work, before batting practice begins. Quality is apparent when the hitter hits line drives on the sweet spot of the bat in the direction of where the ball is pitched, or located on the tee. A pitched ball will help the hitter's timing but drill work, done correctly, will improve the hitter's fundamentals. In the long run, cutting back on regular batting practice and doing more good drill work will pay off. Using a lighter bat than normal or using aluminum instead of wood will allow the hitter to save strength, and be able to work longer at their fundamentals.
3. When a batter is in the on deck circle and swinging to loosen up, teach them to swing the bat to different locations. Most hitters take their practice swings in the exact same groove, time after time and then have trouble hitting balls that are not in their groove. Many hitters also swing a heavy bat when on-deck, which tends to slow the swing and tire the muscles. A few swings with the heavy bat are ok, but using the on deck circle to observe the pitcher and practice swinging to different pitch locations would be better use of the time.
4. The hands of the hitter should be the first part of the body to get tired when swinging. When the player's hands begin to tire, have the hitter take a break or wait for another day to work on their hitting. If another area of the hitter's body gets tired first, then the hitter's swing probably needs adjusting.
5. The following are great baseball swing advice that anyone can use and sayings that will make you sound like you know what you are talking about. See the ball, stay back, use your hands, track the ball to contact, and maintain balance.
Finally, the common saying "if it ain't broke, there's nothing to fix" is important to remember. When a player is having success, and in a good groove, let them ride it out, doing just enough to stay sharp. Often, I have seen hitters "practice" their way out of a good groove. Hitters should save the heavy work load for the times when they are struggling with their swing or confidence.
Former major league baseball player, Jack Perconte gives baseball hitting tips and batting practice advice for ballplayers of all ages. His baseball hitting lessons advice can be found at
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Monday, July 20, 2009
2010 Louisville Baseball Bat Reviews
By R. Nelson
Louisville has a long and respected history in the baseball bat industry, but they've falling behind in the composite segment of the market. They're 2009 entry into the high end composite category, the Triton, was met with a tepid reception. For 2010 they've changed ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to their line-up except for cosmetics. They didn't even make an attempt to fool us into believing they made any changes. The verbiage for their 2010 bats is identical to the verbiage for their 2009 bats. They even changed the name of their second tier composite bat for the third year in a row without changing anything about the bat. This is extremely disappointing from what most consider the holy grail of baseball bat manufacturers. On a positive note they have adjusted their pricing policy to align the price (except for the EXO) to the material of the bat.
Here's the breakdown of the Louisville line-up:
Louisville Composite Bats
TPX Triton - A 3-piece bat made with 100% composite material with Louisville's stiff handle and a balanced design. The 2010 Triton is the exact same bat as the 2009 model except for a putrid blue/yellow color change that makes it look cheap. This bat has by far the largest barrel I've seen on a baseball bat. As I've stated in the past, it would be in Louisville's best interest to either call this a multi-piece bat or stick to a true 1-piece design. Instead they continue to market it as a three-piece bat bonded together as a one-piece bat. I've hit with the Triton and seen high school kids use it in games and it seems to be a quality bat, but it just hasn't caught fire. You will rarely see it in a high school games and almost never in College. Even on a College teams using Louisville bats the players choose the Exogrid, Omaha or H2 (in that order) and not the Triton. The retail price remains at $399.99 for the Adult -3 model. If you like this bat you'll save about $100 by picking up the 2009 model on the discount rack (and have a bat that looks good). I recommend the Easton Speed for experienced players who want a 100% composite bat.
TPX Dynasty Composite - This 100% 7C composite, one-piece bat has the Louisville stiff handle and a balanced design. This bat is the same bat as the 2009 Omaha Comp and 2008 Catalyst. Louisville seems to be playing musical chairs with the name of this bat and decided the old Dynasty name would make sense for 2010. I believe this bat is an excellent second tier composite bat choice for two reasons. First, it has a great price at $259 for the Adult -3 model. Second, it has a proven track record being a Catalyst/Omaha Comp. An excellent choice for those looking for a lower priced composite bat.
Louisville Hybrid Bats:
H2: The 2010 model is the exact same bat as in 2009 but with one major difference, they've adjusted the price to what a hybrid bat should be! Do you believe in miracles? It looks like the H2 did not sell well in 2009 and they were forced to price it correctly. It's a two piece bat that bonds the pieces together to make the claim that it's a one piece bat (we've already covered this). The 100% composite handle is Louisville's stiffest which is saying something. The barrel is a 100% ST+20 alloy barrel and a balanced swing weight design. The Adult -3 model retails for $299 in 2010 $70 less than its retail price in 2009. You can also find the 2009 model for even less.
Exogrid: The EXO continues to chug along! It's been one of Louisville's best selling bats and the 2010 model is identical to the 2008 and 2009 models. Clearly their going to milk this golden goose for as long as possible because it continues to retail for an amazing $369. In my opinion this bat is closer to a 100% alloy bat then a hybrid but with the carbon sleeve cut into the handle it's in the hybrid category. I believe the price of this bat is way too high and I can't recommend it when for an additional $30 I can get the 100% composite Triton. Don't get me wrong, it's a good bat but I just can't recommend pulling the trigger at $369. If you love this bat find the 2008 or 2009 model. It's the same bat and will cost you a lot less money. As mentioned no change to the design it's still a one piece, 100% alloy bat with some metal cut out of the handle and replaced with composite material. It comes with Louisville's stiff handle and a balanced design. As mentioned earlier, most players on College teams who use Louisville bats swing the Exogrid.
Louisville Alloy Bats
TPX Omaha: The Omaha also continues to chug along. It' a one -piece, 100% alloy bat with the Louisville stiff handle and a balanced design.. The 2010 is the same bat as the 2009 model and is priced at a reasonable $199.99 for the Adult -3 model. It's a great choice for those who are not looking to break the bank to purchase a baseball bat. Many players on College teams with Louisville contracts prefer to use the Omaha instead of the Triton or H2.
Omaha XT Stiff: This bat has apparently been out since last year but I've not seen it anywhere except on the Louisville website. I don't know if it's a hybrid or an alloy all Louisville says is it has ST+20 alloy and extra stiff composite reinforced transition. Seem odd to call this bat the Omaha Stiff when all Louisville bats are known for their stiff handles and the H2 has the stiffest handle of all.
Louisville makes quality bats but they need to decide if they're going to jump into the multi-piece bat market or not. If you're coming out with a multi-piece design tell me it's a multi-piece design and why that makes sense. Don't tell me it's bonded to be a one piece bat.
Take a look at the Baseball Bat Reviews Blog for reviews of all the 2010 baseball bats.
Baseball Bat Reviews Blog
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Sunday, July 19, 2009
Baseball Hitting - How to Improve Your Ability to Be a Clutch Hitter
By Chuck R Stewart
While attending the National Sporting Goods Manufacturing show in Las Vegas, I had the chance to sit down with some heavyweight baseball people. These were people who worked for and represented some of the best names in the game of baseball. They were people who had been around the game their whole life. The conversation started out being about the qualities in a good hitter. We talked about stance, mechanics, quick hands, great eyes, terrific hand-eye coordination, and follow through techniques. This was all great to listen to and participate in the conversation but then one man who had been around the game for more than 20 years said straight out that while all of the prior conversation was correct, the thing that made a great hitter stand out from the rest was confidence.
Confidence is a funny thing among most ballplayers. Most players are subject to ups and downs as they go through a season or even a game. He said that the players who hit the best in clutch situations want to be up in those situations and also have the level of confidence that they can perform. They have practiced their craft enough so that in any situation they are the player who knows they can come through. Confidence is born from repetition and repetition comes from practicing the proper mechanics until it is second nature. Players need to repeat the process of hitting until they are confident that when they swing, they will make solid contact with the ball.
I think this level of desire and confidence is what separates the club players from the recreational players once they get into high school. My son is going through this right now in each of the three sports he plays (football, basketball and baseball). He is watching fellow teammates elect to not play other sports so they can focus on their sport of choice in order to excel. The players who are electing to focus on a given sport are the ones who are spending time, getting the repetitions they need to develop their confidence and become better players. The time to spend on repetition is the key to becoming a clutch hitter.
The conversation then turned to what the right amount of repetition is in order become a great clutch hitter. One coach said it was 200 swings a day. That is was former hitting champ Pete Rose used to take every day so it should work for everyone. The issue that most players face with getting that level of repetition is the reality of who will throw that much batting practice to them during the course of a day, 5-6 times per week. My shoulder aches just thinking about it!
The answer to that question is a pitching machine and a batting cage. Both are needed to become a great clutch hitter. The reason both are needed is that they are the perfect combination. The pitching machine can save the arm of any coaching assistant and the batting cage will keep the balls in a close enough proximity that they can be picked up and reloaded quickly enough to get the workout completed within 30-40 minutes.
Any player who has the desire to be successful can afford to spend 30-40 minutes working on their craft on a daily basis.
Coach Chuck Stewart operates a baseball web site called offering baseball pitching machines, batting cages, training aids and coaching/instructional videos along with lots of free coaching content. Coach Chuck offers a pitching machine for every skill level and budget. He has coached baseball teams for 8 years and enjoys sharing the love of the game of baseball with his players.
Article Source:
While attending the National Sporting Goods Manufacturing show in Las Vegas, I had the chance to sit down with some heavyweight baseball people. These were people who worked for and represented some of the best names in the game of baseball. They were people who had been around the game their whole life. The conversation started out being about the qualities in a good hitter. We talked about stance, mechanics, quick hands, great eyes, terrific hand-eye coordination, and follow through techniques. This was all great to listen to and participate in the conversation but then one man who had been around the game for more than 20 years said straight out that while all of the prior conversation was correct, the thing that made a great hitter stand out from the rest was confidence.
Confidence is a funny thing among most ballplayers. Most players are subject to ups and downs as they go through a season or even a game. He said that the players who hit the best in clutch situations want to be up in those situations and also have the level of confidence that they can perform. They have practiced their craft enough so that in any situation they are the player who knows they can come through. Confidence is born from repetition and repetition comes from practicing the proper mechanics until it is second nature. Players need to repeat the process of hitting until they are confident that when they swing, they will make solid contact with the ball.
I think this level of desire and confidence is what separates the club players from the recreational players once they get into high school. My son is going through this right now in each of the three sports he plays (football, basketball and baseball). He is watching fellow teammates elect to not play other sports so they can focus on their sport of choice in order to excel. The players who are electing to focus on a given sport are the ones who are spending time, getting the repetitions they need to develop their confidence and become better players. The time to spend on repetition is the key to becoming a clutch hitter.
The conversation then turned to what the right amount of repetition is in order become a great clutch hitter. One coach said it was 200 swings a day. That is was former hitting champ Pete Rose used to take every day so it should work for everyone. The issue that most players face with getting that level of repetition is the reality of who will throw that much batting practice to them during the course of a day, 5-6 times per week. My shoulder aches just thinking about it!
The answer to that question is a pitching machine and a batting cage. Both are needed to become a great clutch hitter. The reason both are needed is that they are the perfect combination. The pitching machine can save the arm of any coaching assistant and the batting cage will keep the balls in a close enough proximity that they can be picked up and reloaded quickly enough to get the workout completed within 30-40 minutes.
Any player who has the desire to be successful can afford to spend 30-40 minutes working on their craft on a daily basis.
Coach Chuck Stewart operates a baseball web site called offering baseball pitching machines, batting cages, training aids and coaching/instructional videos along with lots of free coaching content. Coach Chuck offers a pitching machine for every skill level and budget. He has coached baseball teams for 8 years and enjoys sharing the love of the game of baseball with his players.
Article Source:
Friday, July 17, 2009
The Baseball Swing - Rotational Hitting Explained
By Nate Barnett
It seems like baseball instruction in the area of hitting mechanics is splitting into two different camps. Rotational hitting vs. Linear hitting. If you're new to the baseball world, or are just unfamiliar with the new exciting terminology, let me offer some explanation.
Rotational Hitting
The purpose of the baseball swing is to transfer the most energy into the baseball as possible. In order to get the most energy created, there are specific parts of the body that need to move at the correct time in order for this energy to occur.
A rotational approach offers that the energy used in creating a powerful baseball swing stems from the back side of the body, and more specifically the lower half of the back side. The controlled chain reaction that happens when the back side is moved at precisely the correct time toward the pitch is quite powerful. On the flip side, incorrect timing of the back knee and hip will produce a sluggish bat.
A rotational approach to hitting uses the follow steps to a good baseball swing:
1. A good weight shift to the back leg from the stance position as a hitter is preparing to hit. Make sure that this weight shift is not purely horizontal in motion, since this will create an imbalance.
2. The next step is the trigger. This is the most important movement that separates a rotational hitter from a linear hitter. The triggering process should begin with the back knee turning and moving towards the pitcher (as apposed to simply spinning in place). The back hip will quickly follow the back knee in the rotation process. Lastly, the hands will begin to enter into the hitting zone. It's important that the hands do not begin the swing since the power is stemming from the back knee and hip. Early hand movement would negate any effort to use energy from the back side of the hitter's body.
3. As the bat enters the zone, one will begin to see signs that a rotational approach has been utilized. The common tell tale signs are the balance points. The easiest to explain in writing is that upon contact with the pitch there will be vertical alignment with the inside shoulder joint, the back hip, and the back knee joint. This alignment shows that balance is retained and no weight has shifted forward onto the front foot (more of a linear style).
As an aside, rotational hitting is used by most major colleges and a vast majority of Major League hitters. It provide balance and power to the baseball swing.
Nate Barnett is owner of BMI Baseball designed to improve the mental game of baseball in athletes. Learn how to help your game by improving the skill of mental baseball
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Thursday, July 16, 2009
How to Use Baseball Training Nets

Higher equipment - nobody indicated to you equipment of quality of use of shouldn't like the nets of oscillation, the machines lançantes and to obtain from just old plan outsides and to throw the ball approximately. Sometimes, the best thing for a player ends up knowing his team.
The qualifications for the pastime are met and rectified like never front with accessible speed making it occur for your team, if minor league or pro.
The nets of formation of baseball are an exceptional manner to ensure your team has the equipment with range of the hand to make the practice productive, when the major part of the team is in a scrimmage, you've obtained the remainder of the players to the nets, and practice between them. No time of breakdown, no lost hour. With the suitable rest and the suitable practices to eat, the best teams continue with the kind speed than they must obtain made work, and makes well.
The nets of formation of baseball adapt to all the kind of needs at once for practice. They include the handling nets the beater of practice as regards baseball, the nets of pitching of baseball, the nets of pitching of the baseball and other nets which can function for your team. For example, if you have a small team of league which could make the shift with another type of net of practice, then the double the use and to perhaps save the money by employing another set of the nets.
Just like significant that having the suitable hydration on the field for players, supplies it water of means of goods and additional types of sport drinks to maintain the players strong, a club of ball can profit from the investment of the nets of formation of baseball of quality.
While the price is a little high for the better nets of formation of baseball, up to $350, it will help the team by the investment in the types of nets of formation which are survive resistant, which has wheels for the easy mobility, which is another component of saving in time, and which will be ensured the investment is maximized by having the means the prolonged use and the tear. Little more money on a net more high quality of formation of baseball will be a better value with long plus the question of safety of the nets of quality put out of box'T is measured in dollars.
Formation for the stop of doesn't of baseball after the season more. The best hour to obtain prepared at the following season takes place during the dead season, not of the camps of formation, and not a few weeks before the play of opening. That takes time to build the force of muscle, coordination and the skillfulness. Several of these things can be done at the house and be equalized inside.
Higher equipment - nobody indicated to you equipment of quality of use of shouldn't like the nets of oscillation, the machines lançantes and to obtain from just old plan outsides and to throw the ball approximately. Sometimes, the best thing for a player ends up knowing his team.
Information on baseball tips can be found at the Baseball Tips site.
Article Source:
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Baseball Hitting Tips - Power 10
By Joe Brockhoff
We have recorded BP efficiency and found the following results: Pops, chops, routine ground balls, and with every pitch, they try to slam it. The going rate of hard hits is 3 or 4 out of 10.
It is important that hitters take BP at a comfort level. However, it is good to finish with what we call a "Power-10" focusing on hitting the ball hard with super contact every time. Here are the guide lines:
A hitter may choose which pitches to hit. But call a strike if he takes a good pitch.
Hard Hit = 1 point
Week hit = 0 points
Swing and miss/foul/strike = -1
A hitter strives for at least 7 out of 10... (70%). That is the minimum that we strive for. If a hitter is not at that level, he needs to work for that.
In our general research, we have found that by making hitters do a Power-10 in their batting practice baseball hitting drills, hitters will strive to hit each ball well, and batting practice will be more meaningful. Players who do their Power-10 at the completion of BP have these results in their regular batting:
Efficiency at least 80%: Batting average over .400
70-80% Mid .300 batting average
Less than 70% .280 - .300 batting average
Do this with correct fundamentals against good pitching. Hitters should concentrate more on hitting the balls hard and sharply rather than hitting everything deep. Benefits will show up in their batting averages.
If time permits, players can do more than one Power-10. With these baseball batting drills, they look forward to the challenge of getting better each time.
Power-10 ... A Simple way to increase hitting performance. It will improve concentration and accuracy to the ball.
Former Tulane Hall of Fame Baseball Coach, Joe Brockhoff, fully explains his baseball hitting drills with the Super 8 Hitting System, completely demonstrated with videos and hitting drills to help you hit with more power and raise your batting average. .
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Youth Baseball Conditioning
There are many valuable youth baseball conditioning techniques to increase your players’ abilities by maximizing their strength, range of motion, and flexibility. Just as a car can only travel as fast as its engine will allow, in like manner, baseball players can only perform to the degree that their bodies will allow. If coaches, parents and mentors ensure that their players are involved in recommended youth baseball conditioning training, they will be increasing their players’ chances to fulfil their maximum potential.
Here are some advised youth baseball conditioning techniques that are recommended for youth baseball coaches for the development of their players:
Pitching Better through Swimming - Swimming can actually strengthen the shoulder muscles and enable pitchers to throw the baseball harder while protecting pitchers from devastating shoulder injuries. It is recommended that pitchers swim in free style for two minutes with a series of 4 repetitions. If the player can not swim, then the pitcher can stand waist deep in water under adult supervision and push the water away from the body with a hard thrust and fingers spread apart. This should be repeated for 2 minutes at a time.
Sprint to Success - One of the traditional youth baseball training programs remains the best. Players need to build up their endurance in order to play the entire game with strength and energy. Wind sprints are the best way for youth baseball players to build up their endurance and, at the same time, bond with their teammates. If your players run wind sprints as a team or in bunches, such as pitchers, catchers, infielders and outfielders, you will be building up their endurance and the team will become closer as a unit. Ten 60 yard sprints are a good way to start, and you can lengthen the distance and repetitions over time.
Squeeze that Ball - Another simple youth baseball conditioning exercise can be done everywhere from the ball field to the schoolyard and even to bed. Baseball players can increase their wrist strength by squeezing a rubber Spalding ball. Yes, these pink balls are still of infinite value to baseball players – pitchers, to increase the speed of their pitch; hitters by increasing their bat speed and, therefore, the distance of their drives; and fielders by increasing the strength of their throws.
Stretch Before Games – Stretching and warm-ups are a key element of baseball conditioning training protocols to prevent injuries. Prior to every game and practice, baseball coaches should lead their team in a regular series of stretching and warm-up exercises for at least 10-12 minutes. Before the players begin playing baseball, make sure to cover all major muscle groups including shoulders, legs, arms, hips, and back.
Of course these are just a few, simple youth baseball conditioning exercises among many. Baseball coaches should be familiar with a wide variety of exercises and should weave these into a more holistic conditioning training plan that is appropriate to the age of their players.
Combined with a variety of baseball drills that make the game fun and build the fundamental skills needed to play, a strong baseball conditioning training regimen will ensure that players reach the top of their game and avoid unnecessary injury.
By Trevor Sumner who works for, a youth baseball community dedicated to providing parents, coaches and athletes the tools and information they need to celebrate the love of the game. Weplay has one of the most comprehensive baseball drill libraries in its active baseball community.
Here are some advised youth baseball conditioning techniques that are recommended for youth baseball coaches for the development of their players:
Pitching Better through Swimming - Swimming can actually strengthen the shoulder muscles and enable pitchers to throw the baseball harder while protecting pitchers from devastating shoulder injuries. It is recommended that pitchers swim in free style for two minutes with a series of 4 repetitions. If the player can not swim, then the pitcher can stand waist deep in water under adult supervision and push the water away from the body with a hard thrust and fingers spread apart. This should be repeated for 2 minutes at a time.
Sprint to Success - One of the traditional youth baseball training programs remains the best. Players need to build up their endurance in order to play the entire game with strength and energy. Wind sprints are the best way for youth baseball players to build up their endurance and, at the same time, bond with their teammates. If your players run wind sprints as a team or in bunches, such as pitchers, catchers, infielders and outfielders, you will be building up their endurance and the team will become closer as a unit. Ten 60 yard sprints are a good way to start, and you can lengthen the distance and repetitions over time.
Squeeze that Ball - Another simple youth baseball conditioning exercise can be done everywhere from the ball field to the schoolyard and even to bed. Baseball players can increase their wrist strength by squeezing a rubber Spalding ball. Yes, these pink balls are still of infinite value to baseball players – pitchers, to increase the speed of their pitch; hitters by increasing their bat speed and, therefore, the distance of their drives; and fielders by increasing the strength of their throws.
Stretch Before Games – Stretching and warm-ups are a key element of baseball conditioning training protocols to prevent injuries. Prior to every game and practice, baseball coaches should lead their team in a regular series of stretching and warm-up exercises for at least 10-12 minutes. Before the players begin playing baseball, make sure to cover all major muscle groups including shoulders, legs, arms, hips, and back.
Of course these are just a few, simple youth baseball conditioning exercises among many. Baseball coaches should be familiar with a wide variety of exercises and should weave these into a more holistic conditioning training plan that is appropriate to the age of their players.
Combined with a variety of baseball drills that make the game fun and build the fundamental skills needed to play, a strong baseball conditioning training regimen will ensure that players reach the top of their game and avoid unnecessary injury.
By Trevor Sumner who works for, a youth baseball community dedicated to providing parents, coaches and athletes the tools and information they need to celebrate the love of the game. Weplay has one of the most comprehensive baseball drill libraries in its active baseball community.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting Machine - As Seen on TV
If you are looking for the "Edge" to give your player or team a "definite advantage" over the competition, you can stop looking! You have found it, the Derek Jeter Hurricane Baseball Hitting Machine by ProPerformance Sports! 100% Guaranteed to improve skill, batspeed, hitting confidence!
It will definitely help get more basehits, hit more linedrives, score more runs and win more games! In fact we back this machine with one of the best product guarantees in the sporting goods industry.
We back the Derek Jeter Hurricane Baseball Hitting Machine with a 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE! If you have questions, we can help! We will gladly answer an questions that you may have. We want you to buy the perfect machine for your needs! Call 1-877-431-4487 now!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Baseball Training
Baseball Training - Batter's Edge for Balance
The Batter's Edge is the greatest technological advancement in baseball training equipment in over 30 years. The reason is simple - the Batter's Edge is a baseball batting training device that teaches balance and control when hitting a baseball or softball. It is a remarkable tool designed to improve your hitting performance through repetition of best practice techniques.
Baseball Training - Balance Perfects the Swing
Why is balance important to your swing, you ask? Baseball and softball training coaches teach that balance is the key element for an effective swing. "You can't hit a round ball with a round bat squarely unless your body is properly balanced," says Ryan Gorecki, a three-time Seton Hall University batting leader in the 90's and five year member of the Texas Rangers organization.
Gorecki is a firm believer in the correlation between proper balance and control and the baseball swing: "In order to have proper balance at the plate, your stance must be comfortable, and your weight must be equally distributed with your feet and shoulders squared. Balance must be maintained as you stride into the ball and your bat follows through the hitting zone."
Baseball Training - Swing is the Thing
Baseball balance training can help boys and girls become better hitters. Gorecki continues, “By staying in balance when hitting, you will be able to rotate on your hips and swing the bat through the zone level, which is the only way to hit the ball squarely. Baseball hitting balance equates to success, and eliminates chopping or upper cutting."
Ted Williams, the greatest of all technical batsmen, preached the importance of balance in developing a swing that generates greater bat speed and power through the hitting zone. Through repetition of proper baseball training techniques, players can improve their batting skills dramatically.
Baseball Training - For Players of All Ages
A-Game Technology, a pathfinder in technological innovation, has developed the Batter's Edge as the first baseball training tool that teaches balance, stride, swing, and muscle memory. The Batter's Edge is a platform training device that comes assembled and fits in most bat bags. Muscle memory allows hitters to concentrate on the pitch, and not their swing. It is like having a coach under your feet helping you to master the skill of hitting.
Gorecki, batting instructor for the East Coast Sports Academy on Long Island, teaches hitting mechanics to boys and girls of all ages. He recommends the Batter's Edge for baseball hitting drills because it promotes balance by keeping batters on the balls of their feet, allowing a smooth rotation of their hips and weight transfer as the swing comes through the hitting zone.
Through the use of the Batter's Edge, hitters will better control their stride while maintaining their eye contact on the ball. It also teaches proper back foot rotation at the point of contact. "The more you repeat good balance habits, the better you will hit," says Gorecki, "and the Batter's Edge can make the difference in your baseball and softball swing.”
For more information on the Batter's Edge please visit
The Batter's Edge is the greatest technological advancement in baseball training equipment in over 30 years. The reason is simple - the Batter's Edge is a baseball batting training device that teaches balance and control when hitting a baseball or softball. It is a remarkable tool designed to improve your hitting performance through repetition of best practice techniques.
Baseball Training - Balance Perfects the Swing
Why is balance important to your swing, you ask? Baseball and softball training coaches teach that balance is the key element for an effective swing. "You can't hit a round ball with a round bat squarely unless your body is properly balanced," says Ryan Gorecki, a three-time Seton Hall University batting leader in the 90's and five year member of the Texas Rangers organization.
Gorecki is a firm believer in the correlation between proper balance and control and the baseball swing: "In order to have proper balance at the plate, your stance must be comfortable, and your weight must be equally distributed with your feet and shoulders squared. Balance must be maintained as you stride into the ball and your bat follows through the hitting zone."
Baseball Training - Swing is the Thing
Baseball balance training can help boys and girls become better hitters. Gorecki continues, “By staying in balance when hitting, you will be able to rotate on your hips and swing the bat through the zone level, which is the only way to hit the ball squarely. Baseball hitting balance equates to success, and eliminates chopping or upper cutting."
Ted Williams, the greatest of all technical batsmen, preached the importance of balance in developing a swing that generates greater bat speed and power through the hitting zone. Through repetition of proper baseball training techniques, players can improve their batting skills dramatically.
Baseball Training - For Players of All Ages
A-Game Technology, a pathfinder in technological innovation, has developed the Batter's Edge as the first baseball training tool that teaches balance, stride, swing, and muscle memory. The Batter's Edge is a platform training device that comes assembled and fits in most bat bags. Muscle memory allows hitters to concentrate on the pitch, and not their swing. It is like having a coach under your feet helping you to master the skill of hitting.
Gorecki, batting instructor for the East Coast Sports Academy on Long Island, teaches hitting mechanics to boys and girls of all ages. He recommends the Batter's Edge for baseball hitting drills because it promotes balance by keeping batters on the balls of their feet, allowing a smooth rotation of their hips and weight transfer as the swing comes through the hitting zone.
Through the use of the Batter's Edge, hitters will better control their stride while maintaining their eye contact on the ball. It also teaches proper back foot rotation at the point of contact. "The more you repeat good balance habits, the better you will hit," says Gorecki, "and the Batter's Edge can make the difference in your baseball and softball swing.”
For more information on the Batter's Edge please visit
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Baseball Hitting - The Basics to Success
By Chris Moheno
Baseball hitting is a lot more then just swinging a bat around and hoping to get lucky. When it comes to learning how to hit a baseball, you have to remember that there is a lot more skill, technique, and focus needed then meets the eye.
There has to be a lot of practice hours put in or you will never be able to swing the bat like some of the great names in baseball history. By practicing hard and keeping a few simple tips and hints in mind you will be able to swing like a pro in no time at all.
Remember though, besides hard-core technique, there is also a lot of room for the practice of visualization and positive thinking in your baseball training, which has proven to help many people.
If you have been swinging for a while but just want to learn to hit better the first thing you need to do is to avoid any major changes in your stance. Even though this seems a little bit backwards considering you are trying to hit better, it is an important move. Many players, even the not so great ones, naturally develop certain stances in order to make up for something such as a dominant right eye. Before you make any drastic changes make sure that you figure out why it is that you do what you do. If there is no reason for the stance, the grip, or the swing that you have other then laziness or lack of knowledge then it is time to get to work on that.
Time to get ready for the hit. If you do not have a lot of experience with this then make sure that you have a bat you are comfortable with and get up to bat. Get in a proper fitted stance. Keep your chin tucked in along with your front shoulder. Make sure that your head is completely turned so that you are able to clearly see the pitcher. Stay off of the heals of your feet by remaining on the balls of your feet. And most importantly, keep your head still. Even though you may find that over time your stance will change, it is extremely important to keep those simple things in line. Always stay on the balls of your feet and never take one eye off of the pitcher. These are the rules no matter what stance you adopt.
Time to select the right ball to hit. Even though you may be willing to swing at anything that comes at you it is important that you do not. Not every pitch is a good pitch. Be selective and be patient about it. There is no reason to go in overly aggressive. Just make sure that you are concentrating on putting the ball in play and use the entire field to do it. As you are waiting for the ball to come your direction you will want to carefully think through what it is that you are trying to do at the plate.
Imagine and envision yourself striking the bat against the ball. Picture complete batting success before you even have the chance to hit the ball in real life.
The last step would be to take all of the skills you have learned and hit the ball. Make sure that you swing with force and that you follow through with it. Imagine where in the field you are sending the ball and see what happens.
If you feel you need more help with your baseball hitting then you need to seek out some one on one help. Having someone right next to you through your baseball training is always a great thing to have. There are also many DVD's that are being sold in order to perfect your skill. Watching the exact technique played out is a great way to make sure that you are doing everything you should be doing.
Keep practicing and then one day everything will suddenly click and you will be hitting every ball that comes your way.
Chris Moheno has a long time passion for sports in general and for baseball coaching more specifically. His goal is to spread the word about effective non-fluff baseball training techniques for both more experienced and young baseball players, to help them perform better during the game.
Discover more about baseball training secrets on
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Friday, July 10, 2009
The HURRICANE HITTING MACHINE makes home practice so fun, entertaining, convenient, and productive that it is called the "Backyard Basketball Goal For Batters"! The reason for this "nickname" is that baseball and softball players love to hit as much as basketball players love to shoot.
Having a hitting station in your yard 24-7 allows a player to hit or practice on "impulse" when he is bored and looking for something to do. Wouldn't you rather that your player swing the bat than play "Game Box", play "Horse" or watch TV? The truth is that the average youth player ,with average height and body build, is much more likely to play high school baseball than high school basketball because baseball involves a larger number of players than basketball. So shouldn't you make sure that your player spends as much time as possible swinging a bat? The Hurricane does just that!
Available at:
Baseball Dealz Ebay Store
Having a hitting station in your yard 24-7 allows a player to hit or practice on "impulse" when he is bored and looking for something to do. Wouldn't you rather that your player swing the bat than play "Game Box", play "Horse" or watch TV? The truth is that the average youth player ,with average height and body build, is much more likely to play high school baseball than high school basketball because baseball involves a larger number of players than basketball. So shouldn't you make sure that your player spends as much time as possible swinging a bat? The Hurricane does just that!
Available at:
Baseball Dealz Ebay Store
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Benefits of Portable Batting Cages
By Jason Gluckman
Many advanced baseball and softball teams use portable batting cages to ensure adequate training while on the road. Just like standard batting cages, portable models act as a virtual catcher, helping to control the movement of baseballs and softballs. With batting cages, teams can focus less on chasing down errant balls, and more time fine-tuning their batting skills.
Portable batting cages hold many advantages over other types, including standard indoor and outdoor models. Portable batting cages can be used for baseball or softball teams traveling from field to field, as well as for families who pursue outdoor activities and who like the flexibility that portable batting cages offer. Portable batting cages are functional and convenient because of their capacity to be dismantled and stored when not in use.
In addition, portable batting cages can be purchased at a variety of prices, which correspond to various sizes and styles. Portable batting cages vary in price. The difference in price is usually determined by the size of the overall batting cage (by frame length, width, and height) and the type and quality of the netting. For schools or teams planning to use their batting cages frequently, it would be beneficial to purchase the most durable quality available. For a family who might not use their batting cage on a regular basis, but who likes to have it from time to time, it would be less important to have an expensive, high-quality cage.
Portable batting cages can provide many years of use with minimal maintenance. Seldom do cages require major overhauling. Batting cage equipment can be purchased conveniently at a hardware or sporting goods store, as well as online. With very little upkeep, portable batting cages can provide years of use and enjoyment.
Batting Cages Info provides detailed information about batting cage equipment and indoor, outdoor, portable, and tunnel batting cages for sale. Batting Cages Info is the sister site of Trampolines Web.
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Many advanced baseball and softball teams use portable batting cages to ensure adequate training while on the road. Just like standard batting cages, portable models act as a virtual catcher, helping to control the movement of baseballs and softballs. With batting cages, teams can focus less on chasing down errant balls, and more time fine-tuning their batting skills.
Portable batting cages hold many advantages over other types, including standard indoor and outdoor models. Portable batting cages can be used for baseball or softball teams traveling from field to field, as well as for families who pursue outdoor activities and who like the flexibility that portable batting cages offer. Portable batting cages are functional and convenient because of their capacity to be dismantled and stored when not in use.
In addition, portable batting cages can be purchased at a variety of prices, which correspond to various sizes and styles. Portable batting cages vary in price. The difference in price is usually determined by the size of the overall batting cage (by frame length, width, and height) and the type and quality of the netting. For schools or teams planning to use their batting cages frequently, it would be beneficial to purchase the most durable quality available. For a family who might not use their batting cage on a regular basis, but who likes to have it from time to time, it would be less important to have an expensive, high-quality cage.
Portable batting cages can provide many years of use with minimal maintenance. Seldom do cages require major overhauling. Batting cage equipment can be purchased conveniently at a hardware or sporting goods store, as well as online. With very little upkeep, portable batting cages can provide years of use and enjoyment.
Batting Cages Info provides detailed information about batting cage equipment and indoor, outdoor, portable, and tunnel batting cages for sale. Batting Cages Info is the sister site of Trampolines Web.
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Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The Kettlebell and the Baseball Player's Fitness!
By Brandon Richey
This article is for all of my baseball players who believe in a well structured strength and conditioning program. This is for all of you baseball players that are young and those of you who are veterans to the game. Kettlebells are a hell of a way for you to achieve a level of both optimal strength and conditioning within the scope of your overall preparation for the game you so love to play.
How much emphasis do you put on training your athleticism? Are you only worried about batting cage time and field time? How much of the skill of your game, as far as, hitting, throwing, and catching the ball can you improve on, really? If you think about these questions logically you know that everyone has a ceiling and that the only baseball players who truly succeed in these skills are those that can do them longer and more consistently.
Kettlebell training offers a solution for you in terms of achieving this long term consistency that I am talking about. Lets be honest here, spending 9 hours a day in the batting cage is not going to make you that much better of a hitter. However, if you have the core strength, shoulder stability, and hip power of an optimally conditioned athlete then you can improve your total performance in everyone of those specific baseball skills that I mentioned. Training with kettlebells allows you to cover an array of physical categories consisting of strength, power, flexibility, and resiliency to just name a few.
Developing that core power from training with the iron bell may not improve your batting average by hitting more balls, but it may improve your homerun category because the balls you hit will be hit much harder due to an increase in your strength. The speed you gain from kettlebell training may actually improve your batting average because that bunt or infield grounder you laid down might normally result in you being thrown out, but maybe not this time with the proven speed results one can achieve through kettlebell training!
Kettlebell training for baseball players should be mandatory. This is the perfect tool to fit the mold of a baseball player. Look, I am a strength and conditioning specialist and I know from years of experience what it takes to get athletes into top-notch shape. I'm not telling you to just forget about the batting cage or taking those infield grounders, but I am saying that most of your off-season and pre-season time can easily be wasted there. You will hold onto and improve those basic skills, but with a sound kettlebell strength program you will amplify those skills much quicker! Train hard and enjoy my friends.
To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!
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This article is for all of my baseball players who believe in a well structured strength and conditioning program. This is for all of you baseball players that are young and those of you who are veterans to the game. Kettlebells are a hell of a way for you to achieve a level of both optimal strength and conditioning within the scope of your overall preparation for the game you so love to play.
How much emphasis do you put on training your athleticism? Are you only worried about batting cage time and field time? How much of the skill of your game, as far as, hitting, throwing, and catching the ball can you improve on, really? If you think about these questions logically you know that everyone has a ceiling and that the only baseball players who truly succeed in these skills are those that can do them longer and more consistently.
Kettlebell training offers a solution for you in terms of achieving this long term consistency that I am talking about. Lets be honest here, spending 9 hours a day in the batting cage is not going to make you that much better of a hitter. However, if you have the core strength, shoulder stability, and hip power of an optimally conditioned athlete then you can improve your total performance in everyone of those specific baseball skills that I mentioned. Training with kettlebells allows you to cover an array of physical categories consisting of strength, power, flexibility, and resiliency to just name a few.
Developing that core power from training with the iron bell may not improve your batting average by hitting more balls, but it may improve your homerun category because the balls you hit will be hit much harder due to an increase in your strength. The speed you gain from kettlebell training may actually improve your batting average because that bunt or infield grounder you laid down might normally result in you being thrown out, but maybe not this time with the proven speed results one can achieve through kettlebell training!
Kettlebell training for baseball players should be mandatory. This is the perfect tool to fit the mold of a baseball player. Look, I am a strength and conditioning specialist and I know from years of experience what it takes to get athletes into top-notch shape. I'm not telling you to just forget about the batting cage or taking those infield grounders, but I am saying that most of your off-season and pre-season time can easily be wasted there. You will hold onto and improve those basic skills, but with a sound kettlebell strength program you will amplify those skills much quicker! Train hard and enjoy my friends.
To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!
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Tuesday, July 7, 2009
How to Hit a Baseball - Is the Stride Necessary?

By Joe Brockhoff
An instructor during my pro days who was teaching me how to hit a baseball told me that if the pitch is straight down the middle, step forward. If the pitch is outside, step toward the outside, and if the pitch is inside, step inside. The problem is that against good velocity, there is absolutely no way for a hitter to wait until after he determines the direction of the pitch before he takes his stride. He will always be late getting to the pitch and will have extreme difficulty with his timing.
Another method made famous by Kirby Puckett, is to raise the front foot in an exaggerated hop-step stride. Many hitters who try this method struggle because they cannot get the front foot down in time to start the stroke.
Super 8 Hitting System techniques are simple, easy and repeatable.
Here is a very important principle: THE STRIDE DOESN'T HIT THE BALL. It merely gets us in position to hit the ball. This means the hands are still back at the completion of the stride. The stride overcomes inertia and supports the hitter against the fastball.
If the pitch is a fast ball, the action would be "stride-stroke". If the pitch is slower, there would be a momentary pause. Example: "stride-(pause) stroke".
The stride is initiated by the large muscle in the upper leg (hip thigh area), which keeps it consistent.
Here are the rules:
1. The stride travels only 6 inches, directly forward, in the same place every time.
2. It occurs at the time of pitcher release.
3. It distributes approximately 30-40% of the weight to the front side, and lands on the ball of the foot, which remains closed, open no more than 45°, which usually happens during the pivot. Some players stride in a "toe tap", with no significant weight on the front foot. If a player places only 10% of his weight down on his stride, how will he get 90% more of his weight off his back side when he rotates to the pitch? He can't.
4. It happens quickly, getting the batter into position to hit.
Finally, never underestimate the importance of a good stride. It is part of the hitter's timing. When he's striding, he's deciding.
The hitter must work on his stride in his baseball hitting drills, using either live or pitching machine practice, so that he can drill "stride and take", just concentrating on technique.
These techniques are fully explained in our baseball hitting tips web site for the "Super 8 Hitting System", completely demonstrated in eight baseball tips which include many tips on how to hit a baseball.
Former Tulane Hall of Fame Baseball Coach, Joe Brockhoff, fully explains his baseball hitting drills with the Super 8 Hitting System, completely demonstrated with videos and hitting drills to help you hit with more power and raise your batting average.
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Friday, July 3, 2009
3 Tips For Finding the Best View For Your Money at a Major League Baseball Game
By Jake Cain
I love going to the ballpark.
Unfortunately there have been times when an incessant flow of late fans, vendors, and people who apparently haven't eaten in a week and need to take a trip to the concession stand every inning have ruined my experience.
Depending on the stadium and the quality of the team, you may often find yourself surrounded by people who would be hard pressed to name 5 players on the home team. What that means is, they really don't care what happens that night at the ballpark. The fruits of that include showing up in the 4th inning and leaving in the 7th.
Another part of that is the tendency to casually stroll up and down the aisles and block the view of fans who are trying to watch the game. If only everyone was courteous enough to wait until between innings to walk down the aisle. Because this probably won't change any time soon, here are some things you can do to make sure your great view is safe from pedestrians.
1. Sit Behind The Plate
When sitting in the upper deck, there is more than one advantage to sitting in the section right behind home plate. Envision that you are right behind the plate it will be difficult for people in the aisles to block your view of the action. This is especially true if you are sitting in the middle of the row. While upper deck seats behind the plate are traditionally a few bucks more than there down the line counterparts, I would contend that it is worth it in most cases.
2. Avoid aisle seats closest to the plate
Imagine you are sitting on any level, between first base and the right fielder. If you get aisle seats closest to first base in that section, you will have an incessant flow of traffic in your face for the majority of the game. Up until the 4th inning it will be confused fans and an accompanying usher helping them find there seats because they have just arrived. Starting in the 6th you will see people head for the house no matter what the score. Combine that with bathroom and concession trips along with vendors and you have missed half the game. (Let me note that this hasn't been my experience at every stadium. Stadiums with a high level of intensity and a reputation for knowledgeable fans do not have this problem nearly to the same degree.)
In my example above, a better choice is to request aisle seats on the side of the row closer to right field. You will still have people walking by you, but this time they will be on your right and the infield will be to your left. God help you if a ball gets hit to the right field corner, but at least you have a generally unobstructed view of the infield where most of the action happens.
3. Sit in a low row
Again, sounds obvious but I want to convince you why sitting in row A is more important than you might think. (Please see my stadium specific guides for instances where row A might have the opposite effect). Sitting in row #1 on the field level is not something that you probably do frequently, but sitting in the first row of the upper deck is usually doable. The concept of what I am saying revolves around the fact that the less people that are in front of you, the less people that will stand up and move in front of you. This is especially true on lower levels where the concourse is located at the top of the section. Everybody is going to get up and walk back to go to the bathroom, so if you are sitting in the back row there is a potential for everybody in front of you to walk back and block your view for a moment.
In most if not all upper decks you have to walk down to get to the concourse. At many stadiums, like Great American Ballpark in Cincinnati, the view level is elevated so those in row A don't have people walking back and forth in front of them. These are also ideal in Cincinnati because people making the trip up the steps will actually enter the upper deck behind you and never block your view. You may think I am making a mountain out of a proverbial molehill, but it makes a huge difference in the experience - especially if you care about baseball.
In my Cincinnati example, I would move from the behind the plate to down the lines in the upper deck if it meant I could sit in row A. If I can't sit in the first 3 rows of the section, you will then find me near the top of the stadium. Once you are that high, what is the difference in row M and row Z? Not much, in my opinion. The benefit of being near the top vs. in the middle is just that less people will walk up past you, so you can have fewer obstructions.
Hopefully this gives you some ideas. Remember that not all cheap seats are created equal.
For information on how smart people go to a baseball game, visit
We provide free guides that save fans both time and money at Major League Ballparks.
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I love going to the ballpark.
Unfortunately there have been times when an incessant flow of late fans, vendors, and people who apparently haven't eaten in a week and need to take a trip to the concession stand every inning have ruined my experience.
Depending on the stadium and the quality of the team, you may often find yourself surrounded by people who would be hard pressed to name 5 players on the home team. What that means is, they really don't care what happens that night at the ballpark. The fruits of that include showing up in the 4th inning and leaving in the 7th.
Another part of that is the tendency to casually stroll up and down the aisles and block the view of fans who are trying to watch the game. If only everyone was courteous enough to wait until between innings to walk down the aisle. Because this probably won't change any time soon, here are some things you can do to make sure your great view is safe from pedestrians.
1. Sit Behind The Plate
When sitting in the upper deck, there is more than one advantage to sitting in the section right behind home plate. Envision that you are right behind the plate it will be difficult for people in the aisles to block your view of the action. This is especially true if you are sitting in the middle of the row. While upper deck seats behind the plate are traditionally a few bucks more than there down the line counterparts, I would contend that it is worth it in most cases.
2. Avoid aisle seats closest to the plate
Imagine you are sitting on any level, between first base and the right fielder. If you get aisle seats closest to first base in that section, you will have an incessant flow of traffic in your face for the majority of the game. Up until the 4th inning it will be confused fans and an accompanying usher helping them find there seats because they have just arrived. Starting in the 6th you will see people head for the house no matter what the score. Combine that with bathroom and concession trips along with vendors and you have missed half the game. (Let me note that this hasn't been my experience at every stadium. Stadiums with a high level of intensity and a reputation for knowledgeable fans do not have this problem nearly to the same degree.)
In my example above, a better choice is to request aisle seats on the side of the row closer to right field. You will still have people walking by you, but this time they will be on your right and the infield will be to your left. God help you if a ball gets hit to the right field corner, but at least you have a generally unobstructed view of the infield where most of the action happens.
3. Sit in a low row
Again, sounds obvious but I want to convince you why sitting in row A is more important than you might think. (Please see my stadium specific guides for instances where row A might have the opposite effect). Sitting in row #1 on the field level is not something that you probably do frequently, but sitting in the first row of the upper deck is usually doable. The concept of what I am saying revolves around the fact that the less people that are in front of you, the less people that will stand up and move in front of you. This is especially true on lower levels where the concourse is located at the top of the section. Everybody is going to get up and walk back to go to the bathroom, so if you are sitting in the back row there is a potential for everybody in front of you to walk back and block your view for a moment.
In most if not all upper decks you have to walk down to get to the concourse. At many stadiums, like Great American Ballpark in Cincinnati, the view level is elevated so those in row A don't have people walking back and forth in front of them. These are also ideal in Cincinnati because people making the trip up the steps will actually enter the upper deck behind you and never block your view. You may think I am making a mountain out of a proverbial molehill, but it makes a huge difference in the experience - especially if you care about baseball.
In my Cincinnati example, I would move from the behind the plate to down the lines in the upper deck if it meant I could sit in row A. If I can't sit in the first 3 rows of the section, you will then find me near the top of the stadium. Once you are that high, what is the difference in row M and row Z? Not much, in my opinion. The benefit of being near the top vs. in the middle is just that less people will walk up past you, so you can have fewer obstructions.
Hopefully this gives you some ideas. Remember that not all cheap seats are created equal.
For information on how smart people go to a baseball game, visit
We provide free guides that save fans both time and money at Major League Ballparks.
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Thursday, July 2, 2009
Sports Psychology and Hitting - How to Survive a Hitting Slump - Eight Simple Tips
By Jay Granat
A hitting slump has physical, psychological, emotional components to it. For the professional baseball player or the player seeking a scholarship, a slump can have significant financial and career implications.
Players, coaches, parents and agents can become quite frustrated by prolonged hitting slumps. Here are a few suggestions for managing hitting slumps.
1. Make sure you are technically and mechanically sound in the cage and in front of live pitching.
2. Keep accurate diaries and spreadsheets about pitchers who you face. Record all relevant data. Knowing what they threw you in specific situations is very helpful. Similarly, knowing how they like to pitch and how you did against them is essential information for a hitter who wants to excel at the sport of baseball. I know this record keeping seems laborious, but it will pay off with a shorter slump and a higher batting average.
3. Determine if you hit best with an empty mind or with one mental thought or idea at the plate. Most hitters do best with a simple thought or with a mind which is crystal clear and ready to allow the body to do what it is capable of doing at the plate.
4. Go back to some important basics: Keep your head very still. Don't grip the bat too tightly. Hit the ball into the gaps. Focus on the path of the ball. Utilize a ritual which allows you to feel comfortable in the batter's box. Know the strike zone very well.
5. Watch yourself on video when you are in a slump and compare this tape with a video of you when you were hitting well. You will be amazed at what you will learn from this exercise.
6. Use a new hitting coach to get a fresh outlook and a few new tips.
7. Consider a sports psychologist to help you master the mental aspects of hitting.
8. Learn how to use self-hypnosis to get your mind into a confident, focused, relaxed and optimistic state in the dugout, in the on deck circle and at the plate.
Jay P. Granat, Ph.D. is a psychotherapist and the founder of He has written several books and developed several programs to help people perform to their fullest potential at sports, at work and at school. Dr. Granat, a former university professor, has appeared in The New York Times, Good Morning America, AP, ESPN, Golf Digest, The BBC and The CBC. His books include Zone Tennis and Get Into The Zone In Just One Minute. He is also the author of How To Get Into The Zone With Sport Psychology And Self-Hypnosis, How To Lower Your Golf Score With Sport Psychology And Self-Hypnosis, 101 Ways To Break Out Of A Hitting Slump and Bed Time Stories For Young Athletes. Golf Digest named Dr. Granat one of America's Top Ten Mental Gurus. He was recently featured in a documentary film on long distance running. Dr. Granat writes a weekly column for three newspapers.
Baseball players, coaches and parents who want learn more about the psychology of hitting and breaking batting slumps should visit
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A hitting slump has physical, psychological, emotional components to it. For the professional baseball player or the player seeking a scholarship, a slump can have significant financial and career implications.
Players, coaches, parents and agents can become quite frustrated by prolonged hitting slumps. Here are a few suggestions for managing hitting slumps.
1. Make sure you are technically and mechanically sound in the cage and in front of live pitching.
2. Keep accurate diaries and spreadsheets about pitchers who you face. Record all relevant data. Knowing what they threw you in specific situations is very helpful. Similarly, knowing how they like to pitch and how you did against them is essential information for a hitter who wants to excel at the sport of baseball. I know this record keeping seems laborious, but it will pay off with a shorter slump and a higher batting average.
3. Determine if you hit best with an empty mind or with one mental thought or idea at the plate. Most hitters do best with a simple thought or with a mind which is crystal clear and ready to allow the body to do what it is capable of doing at the plate.
4. Go back to some important basics: Keep your head very still. Don't grip the bat too tightly. Hit the ball into the gaps. Focus on the path of the ball. Utilize a ritual which allows you to feel comfortable in the batter's box. Know the strike zone very well.
5. Watch yourself on video when you are in a slump and compare this tape with a video of you when you were hitting well. You will be amazed at what you will learn from this exercise.
6. Use a new hitting coach to get a fresh outlook and a few new tips.
7. Consider a sports psychologist to help you master the mental aspects of hitting.
8. Learn how to use self-hypnosis to get your mind into a confident, focused, relaxed and optimistic state in the dugout, in the on deck circle and at the plate.
Jay P. Granat, Ph.D. is a psychotherapist and the founder of He has written several books and developed several programs to help people perform to their fullest potential at sports, at work and at school. Dr. Granat, a former university professor, has appeared in The New York Times, Good Morning America, AP, ESPN, Golf Digest, The BBC and The CBC. His books include Zone Tennis and Get Into The Zone In Just One Minute. He is also the author of How To Get Into The Zone With Sport Psychology And Self-Hypnosis, How To Lower Your Golf Score With Sport Psychology And Self-Hypnosis, 101 Ways To Break Out Of A Hitting Slump and Bed Time Stories For Young Athletes. Golf Digest named Dr. Granat one of America's Top Ten Mental Gurus. He was recently featured in a documentary film on long distance running. Dr. Granat writes a weekly column for three newspapers.
Baseball players, coaches and parents who want learn more about the psychology of hitting and breaking batting slumps should visit
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